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The purpose of video inspection is to assess pipe conditions. In some instances there is not much to look at besides a round shape and smooth flow, while in others it is a risk to have a camera in the line due to failing conditions. Video Inspection is imperative to properly maintain all collection systems.
Push Cameras for small diameter, or lines full of derbis. Mainline cameras, that are robotically controlled through various types of pipes. Large Diameter crawlers are an option as well.
Skanex has the ability to locate our cameras above ground to figure out which direction a pipe goes or where it terminates. This has been requested by customers who were about to perform an excavation of an area.
In multiple instances the pipe maps originally on file do not match the pipe layout in reality. Updating that mapping is a benefit to have on hand for future pipeline emergencies or for future construction.
Through video inspection, you can determine how many laterals are tied into a main line. In some cases there are extra laterals, or in rare cases there are less laterals then actual service connections.
Dye testing is a proven method of determining if a lateral ties into a main line. Dye is poured into a lateral via a drain in a household, or accessible clean out. In an ideal situation we would have a robotic camera sitting at the lateral to see if the dye made its way into the main or not.
As stated in some of the categories above, we do have the ability through the use of a sonde and locator to track where our camera is in a pipeline and locate both pipelines and manholes from above ground.
Inspection videos and detailed logs of our findings are provided to our customers via DVD, flash drive, or Dropbox.
Recently, we have found it more convenient to transmit our videos and logs via a Dropbox link. Upon receiving our files, our customers have the option to view the information directly through Dropbox, or they have the option to download them to their computer to save and distribute these files accordingly.
We record all inspections and provide them to our customer that hired us for said inspection. We compile both accurate and comprehensive information available to us at the time of inspection.